Contract Disputes
When a dispute occurs over a contract, resolution of the dispute must involve a complete review including:
• the impact the dispute may have on all parts of the contract;
• how the contract was formed;
• what are the terms and conditions of the contract;
• what specific law applies to the contract;
• was there a breach of the contract.
Based upon the nature of the breach, each of the parties to the contract has rights and responsibilities. JV LAW GROUP can assist you in determining what your rights and responsibilities are in relation to the contract dispute, and then take action to protect your rights. Management of responsibilities and mitigation of damages are also essential functions that our Firm can assist in helping you in your contract dispute.
Contact the Attorneys at JV LAW GROUP to schedule a confidential consultation. Weekend and evening hours are available by appointment.

JV LAW GROUP provides representation for all your Business Law matters throughout Orange County, Los Angeles County and surrounding areas. If you or someone you know is in need of an experienced attorney, please call us at 714-752-3270 for a FREE initial consultation.