Incorporate: Should I operate as a sole proprietor?

For many of our clients starting their own businesses, a question we hear often is whether they should incorporate.   The answer to this question is not simple and requires a more thorough analysis of the business’ operations and owner’s long-term goals.  However, there are several considerations to keep in mind when choosing the business structure.…

Tax tips for filing your 2013 return

As the April 15th deadline for filing your 2013 tax return is approaching, here are some tips and guidance in preparing your tax return. 1) E-file your return Electronically filing your tax return is not only convenient but it also ensures that the IRS has received and accepted the return. If you mail your tax…

What do you do if you have been in a car accident?

Being in a car accident can be scary, but it’s important to plan ahead and be prepared.  Below are nine steps that should be taken if you have been involved in an auto accident. 1)   Stay at the scene and remain calm The general rule of thumb is never leave the scene unless it is…