What You Need To Know When Importing Goods From Overseas

Importing goods from overseas is a lot more complex than picking up the phone, placing your order and waiting for the goods to arrive. There are a lot of factors to consider before you place your first import order. Importing goods from overseas can be risky business. There can be a number of legal issues when…

Things You Need To Know About Contracts

Contracts are entered into every day for business and personal reasons. Some of these contracts are written, while others are oral. In every case, it is important that the terms of the contract are fairly negotiated, properly drafted, and reviewed to ensure the contract meets the intentions of the parties. Every business enters into contracts.…

Resolving Conflicts and Disputes

We are all familiar with the most traditional dispute-resolution process of our civil justice system: litigation and trial with a judge or jury deciding who is right or wrong – where someone wins and someone loses. However, there are many other options available. Negotiation, mediation and arbitration – often called ADR or Alternative Dispute Resolution-…